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Navigating A Toxic Workplace as a Person of Color

Have you ever been on the job and felt like your work is minimized or overlooked in comparison to your male or white counterparts? Do you find yourself watering down your opinions, lowering your tone unnaturally, or being silent for fear of being seen as too aggressive or just too much?

Look we all know there is somewhat of a game to play when it comes to business and the corporate world but there is also a line that should never be crossed. Unfortunately, we see women and particularly women of color navigating the most insulting and demeaning climates in the workplace.

Micro-aggressions and more blatant workplace discrimination and injustices are still very real and unfortunately, they also tend to have a particularly persistent and heavy impact on our mental health and overall confidence. The only purpose they serve is to leave you second guessing yourself and/or your work.  I have actually been in work environments in the past where I have continually asked myself: “Am I tripping…Am I overreacting?” Sometimes we feel the hurt and our spirits sense the dysfunction, yet we still question ourselves.

You are not crazy, many of these work environments are just dysfunctional and toxic! So what do you do about it? What can you do? 

Well you need to make a living so while starting a revolution is always an option. Let’s explore some of the ways you can be okay or incite the type of change needed to thrive in the workplace.

*Self-advocacy – Have you been able to find ways to assert yourself professionally + effectively while at work? You can start by reflecting on your why: Your why being…your current role, goals, and needs at work. Use this as a foundation as you navigate your days and projects. Having a strong sense of your why can help tremendously in your communication with others and can serve as a powerful anchor when triggered or frustrated while in a professional setting.  

*Consider a support group or therapy support to process your experiences and to identify your needs in the midst of this stress. Perhaps it’s time to put together an exit plan. Maybe these experiences are triggering past trauma for you and you could use this as an opportunity to do some deep diving into your healing. 

*Prioritize building confidence and self-assurance by reminding yourself how awesome you are. Did you do a fabulous job on that last project?…well please take some time to toast it up and pat yourself on the back for that one! Don’t wait for or expect someone else to do it. Are your contributions of quality and value? Well know it’s true and say it out loud to yourself! Speak life over yourself and validate your own personal power routinely.

Whatever your experience, know that mistreatment of any kind has the potential to wear away your spirit, your vitality, and your joy! I encourage you to tap into some additional support and love to help counter the toxicity you are facing.